About AppleShare IP

Installing AppleShare IP

    Installing the Thread Manager
    In rare cases, AppleShare IP 6.3 may crash when running under heavy load. The AppleShare IP Thread Manager is an extension that fixes this problem and provides greater stability of AppleShare IP 6.3 when the server is busy.

    After you install AppleShare IP 6.3, follow these steps to install the AppleShare IP Thread Manager:
    1 Open the Install ASIP Thread Manager folder on the AppleShare IP 6.3 Install CD.
    2 Drag the AppleShare IP Thread Manager file onto the System Folder of your AppleShare IP 6.3 server.
    3 Click OK to put the file in the Extensions folder and to replace any earlier versions of this extension.
    4 Restart your computer.

Users and groups registry

    Downloading user & group information to a secondary server
    Before you download user and group information from a primary server to a secondary server, stop the file server on the secondary server, or you'll see an error message.

    Importing Users & Groups records
    To import Users & Groups records with passwords do this:
    1 Import the Users & Groups file without passwords.
    2 Export the Users & Groups file.
    3 Open the exported text file and add a passwords for each user.
    4 Turn on the overwrite option and import the text file.
    Updating not done during shut down
    When the AppleShare IP 6.3 server is in the process of shutting down, the users and groups registry does not get updated and you cannot send any messages to users who are connected.

Access privileges

    Setting access privileges to folders in the Web Folder
    You can't set access privileges to folders that are not shared and are not inside a share point.

    To set access privileges to a folder inside the Web Folder when that folder is not inside a share point, do the following:
    1 Share the Web Folder.
    2 Set access privileges to the folder in the Web Folder.
    Be sure to close the window to save changes.
    3 Unshare the Web Folder.

Apple Remote Access services

    Remote Access Answering and Mac OS Server Admin
    Mac OS 9 includes a new feature that lets other computers dial-in to your network or computer using Apple Remote Access software. If you want to enable this feature you must first set it up using the Remote Access control panel on your server. For instructions, look in Mac Help. Type "Providing Dial-In Access" in the Search field of the Mac Help window.

    Once you have set up Remote Access, you can then use Mac OS Server Admin to enable or disable remote access answering, enable or disable user access, and set user callback numbers. No other Remote Access settings can be changed from Mac OS Server Admin.

    If you are having problems running Remote Access answering on your AppleShare IP server, use the Remote Access control panel to reconfigure your Remote Access settings.

AppleShare client

    Using Startup Mounting with saved passwords
    Saving passwords with Startup Mounting works best when client computers have either Mac OS 9 installed, or use AppleShare Client version 3.8.3. If a client computer uses AppleShare Client version 3.8.5, you should also install Mac OS 9 to ensure that passwords may be saved for startup mounting.

File services

    Installing Windows-based applications from floppy disks
    To perform network installations of Windows-based applications that are on multiple floppy disks, follow these steps:
    1 Create a folder.
    2 Copy the contents of each disk to the folder you created in the previous step.
    3 Make the folder you created in step 1 a share point.
    4 From a Windows client computer, connect to the share point and perform the installation.
    You see a "-30523" error message when you use Sherlock on a client computer
    Check the server computer to see if the same message appears. If it does, delete the index of the server's hard disk. Then recreate the index.

    If any of the following are true, you may need to upgrade the client computer to Mac OS 8.6 or later:
    the message does not appear on the server
    the client computer uses a localized version of Mac OS that is different from the one the server uses
    the client computer is in a different time zone than the server
    Using Retrospect 4.1
    When you use Retrospect 4.1 with your AppleShare 6.3 server, the server may not shut down properly or it may disconnect users. You need to obtain an update for Retrospect from Dantz.
    Sharing PC-formatted Zip disks
    You can't share Zip disks that have been formatted for PCs. You can share Zip disks that have been formatted for the Mac OS.
    Opening PowerPoint files on Windows clients from an AppleShare IP server
    To open files on the AppleShare IP server from a Windows client using PowerPoint 97, the client must have Office 97 Service Release 2 (SR-2) installed.
    Modification and creation dates for Windows files
    When a file is created or opened on a Windows client computer, the creation date is set to the current time. The creation date then becomes later than the modification date.


    Preventing the monitor from sleeping or dimming
    If you don't want the monitor connected to your AppleShare IP 6.3 server to sleep or dim, open the Energy Saver control panel, select Show Details and click the checkbox labeled "Separate timing for display sleep."
    Control strip activity indicator may not be accurate
    Under heavy load, the AppleShare IP control strip activity indicator may not beaccurate. To correct this restart the computer.


    MacDNS zone doesn't appear
    If you don't see zone information when you press the Browse button in the Mac OS Server Admin Logon window, then enter the IP address or DNS name of the server in the Address field.
    Y2K and MacDNS serial numbers
    Many DNS administrators base the serial number of a DNS database on the date. Other name servers use the serial number to determine whether a database is current. If you've chosen a serial number format that encodes the date using two digits (such as yymmddxxx) other name servers will not recognize the current database as the most recent one after January 1, 2000.

    By default, MacDNS serial numbers are incremented by one each time the database is updated. If you've allowed MacDNS to increment serial numbers automatically, you should not have a problem. If you've change the serial number manually you may have problems after January 1, 2000.

    The serial number is a problem only when the administrator manually enters a serial number that encodes the year using two digits, for dates that occur after Jan 1, 2000. To avoid the problem, do one of the following:
    Don't enter such a serial number.
    If you've entered a problem serial number, change it so the year is encoded using four digits. You must also make sure that the new serial number is numerically greater than the old one.

Mac OS Server Admin

    Disconnecting users
    You cannot view disconnection progress or cancel user disconnection if you quit Mac OS Server Admin and then open it again.

Mail services

    Importing user information
    When you upgrade from previous versions of AppleShare IP 6, user and group information is automatically imported into AppleShare IP 6.3. However, if you need to import users from a file that was exported from AppleShare IP 6.0 or 6.1, the mail account information for a user must be in the correct format. To do so, each user record must have a column at the end of the mail attribute element that contains "mail server account location" information or you must add a blank column (that is, a tab).

Multiple Users and AppleShare IP

    Do not turn on the Multiple Users feature of Mac OS 9 on your AppleShare IP server. You can use the Multiple Users feature on client computers.

Network Browser

    Viewing URL's
    If you have a DNS server on your network, your can set up your server so URLs for your Web and FTP services appear in the Network Browser in the same neighborhood as your server. (The file server URL appears in the Local Services domain.)

    If you want your Web, FTP, and File server URLs appear in the same neigborhood in your Network Browser, you must type your server's domain name as the first entry in the Search Domains text box of the TCP/IP control panel on your server.

PDF documents and Adobe Acrobat

    Installing Adobe Acrobat
    You can't install Adobe Acrobat while the file server is running. Install Adobe Acrobat before you start the file server, or stop the file server while you install Adobe Acrobat.
    Problems printing a PDF document
    If you have problems printing the PDF documents that are included on the AppleShare IP 6.3 CD, increase the memory allocated to the Adobe Acrobat application by 2 megabytes (MB).

Print services

    Using the Desktop Printer Utility with secure print queues over LPR
    To create a desktop printer over LPR, you must use the Desktop Printer Utility. Since you cannot enter the necessary account information for secure print queues using the Desktop Printer Utility, you must enter the account information into the Security panel of the Print dialog box when you print a document.

    If you cannot access the Security panel from a Print dialog box:
    Send a job to the print queue. The job will fail, but it will set the Desktop Printer to access the Security panel on all future jobs.
    Naming queues for LPR printing
    Some LPR clients do not support queue names that include spaces. These clients can use the first word as the queue name rather than the name that includes spaces. For example, if the print queue name is "Accounting Department," the queue name "Accounting" can be used by an LPR client to print to the same queue.
    Secure queue printing from a Windows client computer
    If the user name or password sent from a Windows computer to secure print queue is invalid, the user isn't shown an alert. You can check the printer server log for information about jobs that don't print.
    Printing PostScript files to a secure queue
    A PostScript file copied or sent from one client computer to another may not print because the user that created the file may not have access privileges to the print queue.
    Creating & renaming print queues using Web-based Remote Admin
    If you create or rename print queues using Web-based Remote Admin, you won't see the changes in AppleShare IP Print Admin if it's open. To see the changes, quit AppleShare IP Print Admin and then reopen it.
    Changing a printer name or IP address
    You must use the Apple Printer Utility to change the name or IP address of a printer attached to a print queue. After making this change, you should edit the print queue settings in AppleShare IP Print Admin to reflect the modified name or IP address.
    Secure print queues and LaserWriter 8.6 or earlier
    If you attempt to get configuration information for secure print queues using the Apple Printer Utility with LaserWriter 8.6 or earlier, you'll get a PostScript error.
    LPR printing and Windows clients
    For information on setting up LPR printing with Windows client computers, see this article in the Tech Info Library:
    Hiding printers
    You cannot hide the Hewlett Packard DeskJet 1600 CM printer in the Chooser due to a PostScript incompatibility.
    Print services and AppleTalk
    The print server won't start up unless AppleTalk is enabled. If you disable AppleTalk while the print server is running, print services shut down automatically.
    Changing AppleTalk settings
    You must stop print services and quit AppleShare IP Print Admin before you change your AppleTalk settings. Otherwise your server may freeze.

Web-based Remote Admin

    Setting Java preferences for Internet Explorer
    To use Internet Explorer as your Web browser, you must set Java preferences to "Apple MRJ." Make sure your computer is running Macintosh Runtime Java (MRJ) 2.0 or later by checking the version of the MRJLib file in the MRJ Libraries folder in your Extensions folder. You cannot use Internet Explorer if it is configured to use the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.
    Setting cache options
    Set your Web browser's advanced cache settings to update pages either every time or always. If you set this option to "never," outdated information will be displayed.
    Using Web-based Remote Admin with Japanese or European systems
    You must set the appropriate language and encoding settings in your Web browser by doing one of the following:

    For Microsoft Internet Explorer on Japanese systems, choose the Japanese Language with Shift-JIS character set in the Language/Fonts preference. (On Macintosh systems, you must also have MRJ 2.1.2 or later to support 2-byte character display.) On European systems, you can choose the French or German language with the Western (Latin1) character set in the Language/Fonts preference.

    For Netscape browsers on Japanese systems, choose the Japanese Language with Shift-JIS encoding. On European systems, choose the French or German language with the Western (ISO-8859-1) encoding.
    Removing printer assignments from a queued print job
    AppleShare IP Help for Web-based administration incorrectly states that you can remove a printer assignment from a queued job using Web-based Remote Admin. You must use AppleShare IP Print Admin to remove printer assignments.

Web services

    Using the Upload Plugin
    You can upload only text files using the Upload Plugin.
    Administrator access to the Web folder
    If you have more than one administrator, read and write access to the Web folder is not automatic. You need to set up privileges for administrators so they can access the Web folder. You can create a group who has read and write access to the Web folder, then add each administrator to the group.

© Apple Computer, Inc. 1999